Call for Papers for 2024 Special Topics/Issues:【Twice-exceptional Students】&【Special Education in Higher Education】!


Statement on Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice

In order to warrant high-quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings, and that people receive credit for their ideas, all parties involved in the act of publishing an article for this journal, i.e.: the editors, the author, the peer-reviewers and the publisher must follow the ethical behavior indicated in the COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Academic Ethics Guidelines for Researchers by the Ministry of Science and Technology, as followed


Editorial responsibilities:

  • BSE is a peer-review journal for the empirical research of special education including topics of individuals with disabilities and those with giftedness or talent, in order to enhance the quality of special education through grass-root research in Chinese communities and to promote evidence-based practice in special education by publishing good research.
  • All manuscripts are double-blind reviewed during a process in which both the reviewer and the reviewed are anonymous. The editorial committee members are charged with the responsibility of keeping the information of the author and the reviewer secret.
  • The Editor reserves the right to make editorial changes in accepted articles to make the article suitable for publication. The final review result must be approved by the editorial committee before actual publication.
  • If necessary, the executive editor is responsible for contacting the author regarding revisions of the paper.
  • If a member of the editorial board is the contributor, the board member should avoid performing any review tasks related to the manuscript.
  • If the editor-in-chief or executive editor is the contributor, the reviewers are selected by another party.
  • The editors should evaluate all manuscripts according to their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
  • Without permission of the authors, editors must not use unpublished materials disclosed in submitted manuscripts for personal research.
  • When a submitted manuscript involves academic ethics violation, the editor and the publisher should take responsive measures. The measures include contacting the author of the manuscript and relevant research institutions and informing them of the violation. Once the violation of academic ethics is confirmed, correction, retraction and expression of concern must be taken as soon as possible. If a published paper is unethical, it must be looked into as well.


Peer review / responsibility for the reviewers:

  • The BSE invite the reviewers to conduct strict reviews on the academic originality, accuracy, and value of the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should point out whether the reference cited comprehensively, reliably, and properly, see as the Review Comment Table (Form).
  • Special considerations are given to the relationship between the reviewers and the author (dissertation or thesis supervisor, family relation, partners, or other forms of relationships or interested parties), to avoid unsuitable reviewers.
  • All manuscripts are reviewed with a double-blind review procedure, both the reviewer and the reviewed are anonymous during a process.  The reviewers are expected to keep the information of the author and review secret.
  • Reviewers should conduct reviews objectively. To assist the authors to improve their manuscripts, reviewers should also provide them with constructive opinions and feedback with supporting arguments.
  • Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted paper must not be used by the reviewers for their own research without the authors’ written consent.
  • Researchers may not carry out any illegal or improper acts to influence the peer review process of the paper. When researchers participate in peer review processes, they shall maintain confidentiality and provide a prompt, impartial, and stringent review, and shall comply with the principles of recusal for conflicts of interest. Any research data acquired during the review process shall not be disclosed or used in their own research without prior agreement.


Author's responsibilities:

  • Authors should guarantee that any part of the papers submitted has not been published or is not being reviewed concurrently by another journal.
  • All manuscripts submitted are expected to follow the Guide for Submission.
  • If the thesis is coauthored by more than two authors, all of the authors must sign this consent form for the submission.
  • The author is responsible to ensure that the manuscript conforms to regulations in the Copyright Act. If information including text, figures and tables, or images from others is cited, written permission or guidelines governing proper academic use must be first acquired or fulfilled. The responsibility lies with the author. If plagiarism regarding writings of oneself or others is involved, this publication will refuse to publish manuscript.
  • The scope of improper conduct of research covers a wide area. These guidelines are mainly concerned with the primary issue of violations of academic ethics, namely: fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplicate publication of research results, improper citations, illegal or inappropriate means is used to influence the scientific review of the paper, and listing the name of improper authors.
  • The researcher shall, to the greatest extent possible, collect and analyze research data or figures in an objective manner. The researcher may not fabricate or falsify data or subject them to selective processing. Any required raw data processing shall be disclosed completely to prevent misleading the reviewers. Researchers shall refer to the research contents to describe the methodology and results, and shall not make any interpretation or deductions that are baseless and unrelated to the truth.
  • Where data or opinions provided by other parties were used, the researcher shall respect the intellectual property rights of the said parties, cite their sources, and avoid misleading others with respect to the originality of these data or opinions. Any substantial use of contents generated by other parties without proper citation and in a way that misleads the reviewers on the originality of the said contents shall be regarded as plagiarism.
  • Research projects and papers shall not plagiarize the author’s works that have already been published. Research projects shall not include research where the results have already been published. Authors shall not conceal research results that 4 they have already published or attempt to mislead reviewers on their contributions or originality. The severity of self-plagiarism shall be based upon whether the plagiarized contents are the core contents of the work, and whether the plagiarized contents are misleading or exaggerates the original contribution of the paper.
  • Researchers shall ensure that the research process (including research conception, implementation, and presentation of results) are conducted in an honest, responsible, professional, objective, stringent, and righteous manner while respecting the rights of the research subjects, and shall also avoid any conflict of interest.
  • Researchers shall ensure that their work are capable of being verified and repeated by others, and shall clearly, accurately, objectively, and comprehensively record all research methodologies and data. Raw data shall be retained properly for a reasonable period of time.
  • When authors find out significant errors or any inaccuracy, they should take the responsibility of notifying the editor and publisher to retract and make correction of the errors. If the editor or the publisher knows that a published paper contains a significant error from a third party, the authors should not only promptly retract or correct the paper, but also provide accurate information for correction.
  • Manuscripts requested to be revised by the reviewer and the editorial committee must be revised within the allotted period by the author and re-uploaded.


Publishing ethics issues:

  • Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Taiwan Normal University provide the major financial support to BSE, there is no reason for any business purposes for publication.
  • To respect the rights of this publication, aside from situations in which authors wish to include their articles in a book for publication, if others seek to reprint, republish, translate, or reproduce manuscripts accepted and published by this publication, they must ask for permission in writing from this publication.
  • To avoid resource waste, if any manuscript still in the initial review stage or accepted after review is requested to be withdrawn, this publication will not accept manuscript submissions from the same author within one year.
  • If a submitted or published manuscript is plagiarized, fabricated, and falsified, the BSE has the right to reject manuscripts submitted by the author for 1 to 5 years, depending on the severity of the situation.
  • The BSE board will do justice and process the report professionally and confidentially as soon as any unethical practice is reported.  At the same time, to protect the good-intention reporter is high priority.